
YourLifeCanBeGood t1_jaxsigy wrote

She made you post that. ...Do you make her do things?

Sounds like she sees herself as superior to you--and wants you humiliate you (even anonymously) because you displeased her.

Was there any gratitude for your effort?

OP--keep your eyes open. And don't let her take your dignity.


YourLifeCanBeGood t1_jaalwga wrote

Oh! I had no idea that a request for reasonably-owed charge back that attempts to resolve proved fruitless, could result in a ban from all the Corporate products. THAT is scary.

A few years ago I'd protested a charge from Ebay for an item that never shipped and the seller was 100% nonresponsive, past his allotted time to respond. I had to protest it because eBay's position was that since I'd (in desperation; eBay wasn't helping) contacted PayPal about the fraudulent charge, that PayPal was responsible, while PayPal made eBay responsible.

I received an immediate (provisionary) credit to my bank account, and got to keep it. I will say that since then, eBay's Customer Service has greatly improved standards of customer care, and that since then, every concern has been immediately reasonably addressed, and their follow-up has been great.

edit: typo


YourLifeCanBeGood t1_jaa83ha wrote

Resolving problems can be much easier than a lot of people think. That, and a lot of problems go unresolved because lots of folk prefer to have someone/something to transfer negative emotion onto.

Steps Towards Resolving Problems: Define succinctly what you want. Make sure it's reasonable, and that you function on your best behavior. Identify as many sources of possible assistance as you can. Rank-order them. Try the top one--give it a fair attempt within a reasonable period of time. Be clear, never raise your voice, and show respect to everyone you talk to. And show gratitude for every attempt to help. If one person reaches a dead end, ask to escalate. If that fails to produce the desired reasonable outcome, proceed down your list. If you've politely tried everything you can think of, without success, at least you can put the matter to rest, and figure that what you lost was tuition in the school of life.