YubNub81 t1_jc8mhyh wrote
Reply to comment by bmlbytes in Enjoying a surprise show by blip01
Thanks for the info (6 hours later when Reddit finally functions again lol)
YubNub81 t1_jc7rina wrote
Reply to Enjoying a surprise show by blip01
What does "save green belt" even mean?
YubNub81 t1_jae598t wrote
I have literally never heard of Mr Bungle, so I can only assume this is Slipknot before they were famous
YubNub81 t1_j7oboyw wrote
Eyeballs popping out of the woman's face behind him.
"Tell em Large Marge sent ya"
YubNub81 t1_j4uaobt wrote
YubNub81 t1_j35mlfq wrote
Reply to Hawkeye would be proud by westondeboer
Is it bad that I was expecting a surprise snowcat attack?
YubNub81 t1_j33zv2t wrote
Reply to Depressing subreddit by CatharticFarts
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I have no idea how I got added to Futurology and now my feed is filled with doom and gloom nonsense.
YubNub81 t1_j1k5bbh wrote
I don't recognize anyone in this picture. Who is Jessica Walter?
YubNub81 t1_j05nenp wrote
Reply to AFN votes to reject Ottawa’s gun-control bill, citing potential risk to treaty rights - National | Globalnews.ca by raider1v11
It's almost like they have first hand experience with what happens when you allow the government to take your weapons away....
YubNub81 t1_isr3vxi wrote
Reply to comment by flamingoeater in Hair straightening chemicals associated with higher uterine cancer risk by BoundariesAreFun
Because the FDA doesn't actually give two shits about our health. They're just lining their pockets like every other greedy corporation. Every product that has been found to be incredibly detrimental to human health was once approved by the FDA
YubNub81 t1_irpfsgk wrote
Reply to comment by scaleofthought in Acer’s New Swift Edge Is Incredibly Light for a 16in OLED Laptop. by RenegadeUK
Oh man, your story gives me flashbacks of having the computer guy come install Windows 98 on our 486 using something like 18 3.5" floppy disks. We still had our trusty Dot Matrix printer back then haha
YubNub81 t1_irp4mer wrote
Reply to comment by tiregroove in Acer’s New Swift Edge Is Incredibly Light for a 16in OLED Laptop. by RenegadeUK
I remember being so excited when we upgraded our modem from 14.4 ro 28.8. Then later 56k was soooo fast
YubNub81 t1_jdtta8f wrote
Reply to President Biden's nominee to head the FAA has withdrawn after Republican criticism by Panaka
I read the entire article twice just to be sure, and there is literally no examples of "racism". It clearly says that he had no aviation experience and there were federal warrants under his name.