
Zaidy721 t1_j3e2cez wrote

I was gonna say essentially the same. I graduated from Hammond like 10 years ago. I'm sure the demographic information is archived somewhere but our school was well diversified and it made my time there as a minority way better academically and socially than if it was any other way. During my 4 years a fight would break out once every week in the first year, once a month the year after, and then once a quarter the years after. My grades went from really great to good enough over the years. Correlation does not equal causation.

At the end of the day every student made their own success. My graduating class had 2 students accepted to MIT (one declined due to cost but still works for NASA), 1 Stanford, a dozen or more Ivy leaguers, and a ton of UMD, UMBC, and Towson grads in that order. A lot of students also ended up in HCC and transferred to other schools later to save on costs which is a great choice and one I wish I took.

My advice would be don't sweat the details. Be involved with your kid. Get to know their friends. They have the most influence on who they'll turn out to be.