
ZanyWayney t1_j5yco7s wrote

First off, they were questioned for threatening people. Secondly, you chose this to be your response? There is a point where tolerance must end. Your "to each their own" stance should end when the support being espoused is for real life murder and atrocity. Ya know, if Russia HADN'T begun a war to exterminate a sovereign nation, culture, and people I'd be on your side. "They have a right to their opinion and to support their nation". But the opinion they tout is one that threatens and removes the safety and security of others. That is not just an opinion. That is an oppression that should be confronted and stamped out. Support for Russia has no fucking place in free society any more. Your freedom ends where it erodes the freedoms of another.


ZanyWayney t1_j4re9xk wrote

These stat lines are getting fucking crazy...

"the bucks 14-12 win on Sunday was the most points scored by an NFL team with four left handed offensive linemen while simultaneously having two right eye dominate wide receivers and a cross eyed quarterback. "



ZanyWayney t1_ixmikl1 wrote

I found out my dad has prostate cancer, and at first the prognosis was very bad. This is the only thing that went through my head. All those times where I got annoyed at his dumb jokes, or didn't call when I should have nag at me. The guilt of deciding to feel that way in those moments is a lot, and I am so happy I get a second chance to show him what he's meant to me my whole life.