
Zeebuss t1_j9uv1m9 wrote

Nice video, particularly enjoyed the random dude swimming in the river in the background lol.

He spoke well on the way we psychologically close off, or narrow our worldview, in order to make assessments and decisions. He did not articulate very well what full closedness would be like if it's possible, or what dangers that would pose.

His discussion of politics is also pretty conventional. "Be open to new ideas" is a pretty basic tenet of good faith debate, but individuals are still left to go out into the world and close it off in various ways to determine what's true, what a political response should look like, and what policies to pursue. If you care about consequences, maximal openness is not necessarily superior.

As for how to find that balance between closedness and openness He doesn't tell us much other than finding the balance is important, without any practical way of knowing when you're "open enough".


Zeebuss t1_j8sol7z wrote

The continuity of brain and consciousness is not something I think we have a clear answer on. "Are you the same consciousness before and after a lobotomy" seems to be in the same class as "if you split the corpus collosum is it two consciousnesses now" and "Is Phineas Gage the same person before and after his accident?"

It will depend on whether you conceive of consciousness as arising from and dependant on its material substrate, or if you think consciousness is universal and that brains/minds are sort of like "antennas" that can pick up conscious signals, or any of many other theories of consciousness!


Zeebuss t1_j5koxla wrote

For humans, midwifery is one the oldest and most ubiquitous professions in history, we've been intervening in birth for as long as know anything about.

Animal birth as well, animal husbandry is at least as old as agricultural, but domestication was already well underway among pre-agricultural nomadic societies.

Neither of these practices of artificial selection and assisted birth are "a few generations" old. They are ancient and absolutely have had enough generations for significant adaptation to occur. Also human artificial selection can happen much faster than that.