
Zeitlosen t1_j016640 wrote

I thought I was going crazy one day when I walked past a house and heard a noise. It was in my neighborhood and I'd walked past the house hundreds of times before. It was a high-pitch ringing, whining noise. I ignored it. The next week, I commented on it to my neighbors. They hadn't heard it, so the group of us walked past the house (was between us and a PokeStop anyway) and only I heard the noise.

We ranged in age from 11 to 45, with me in the middle.

The person IS really neurotic about their yard and animals seem to avoid it, so maybe it's a motion sensor noise maker. Either that or I can sense serial killers. Dude mows three times a week, same pattern, same weird grass vacuum mower, and same creepy hat and gloves. Has to be serial killer sense.

If your wife's issue is just in the house, definitely needs an exorcism or wall murder.