
ZeroFries t1_j9fp9gb wrote

A human needs to be virtuous to be happy. A selfish person is less happy than they could be if they were not selfish. Thinking about one's self too much breeds neuroticism. Thinking about others breeds love, courage, and the rewards of seeing them happy.


ZeroFries t1_j9fot1r wrote

All good philosophies have a common core since they're all based, in varying degrees, to the actuality of things. They may also have some amount of historical cross pollination and/or common roots.


ZeroFries t1_j9fo6mx wrote

True randomness is just as inexplicable as free will. What determines the outcome? A mysterious thing called the will or nothing at all? An undetermined yet somehow concrete outcome sounds pretty paradoxical.

The point is if an outside observer cannot predict the outcome, it's impossible to say anything further about it, either declaring it random or an act of will.


ZeroFries t1_irx1li1 wrote

Why would it be impossible? It resides in itself, the same as any view. All the information of the universe must be unified on some level (to interact and have causal influence on the rest). A god's eye view would be this unified whole (all information). I assume you're thinking, there is a universe, and then God is something "looking at it" and must then represent that information in a separate mind, but really, the universe *is* the mind of God, they're not separate.