
Zhuul t1_j9u525v wrote

26 in 2016. An old college buddy of mine found a surprisingly cheap apartments complex in Haddonfield and we moved in as roommates. At the time I was still working at Whole Foods, $13/hr or so at 40 hours per week. Fast forward to now and I’m very much enjoying Haddonfield’s cap on rent hikes.


Zhuul t1_j8c3ca7 wrote

Yeah it’s hardly a utopia, I’m sorry if I sounded like I was painting an overly rosy picture. It’s gotten better, though, and more importantly seems poised to continue trending in that direction.

Just be prepared for bullshit and keep your wits about you. And if you’re ever feeling down you can always go to the aquarium and say hi to their prehensile tailed porcupine.

Seriously, their nose looks like a giant pink marshmallow, it’s goddamned adorable.