
ZiggyStardustEP t1_j1x3c2j wrote

Fair and valid. A lot of people have posted different and interesting ideas. I'd imagine more durable drones that act like flying screening device that synchs to other drones or weapons. But we'll see how the application develops. I've even heard of ideas of tanks being equipped for drones to help with urban combat in conjunction with ground infantry.


ZiggyStardustEP t1_j1velfm wrote

You're 100% good and appreciate the thought process. Better we think these things through before spending billions on research that is a dead end. I lean more towards bleeding edge technology that gives you a decisive advantage because I don't believe in fair fights lol. Man portable systems will definitely have their place. I'm sure military analysts are getting plenty of data from Ukraine on best practices, tactics & techniques. I like the idea of a system where we don't have to put everything on a solider responding in a fast acting situation like that.


ZiggyStardustEP t1_j1vakkj wrote

I love your response and it's well thought out. Thank you for it. Per the article:

“We have a plan to create a military drone unit tasked with monitoring key military facilities in North Korea. But we’ll advance the establishment of the drone unit as soon as possible because of yesterday’s incident,” President Yoon Suk Yeol said during a regular Cabinet Council meeting. “We’ll also introduce state-of-the art stealth drones and bolster our surveillance capability.”

Right now it appears the mentality is for anti-drone drones (there's gotta be a better word lol). Dont know if thats the correct route. I'd argue with continuing miniaturization of semiconductors you can focus on more advanced radar and detection capacity. My concern with fixed defense assets is they are sitting targets and once they are knocked out its not an easy fix. With drones your line of defense is now variable vs fixed. Some info I've seen on Gen 6 fighters is a hybrid system of manned aircraft that link with supporting drones. We may see something similar on defensive positions. A central hub connected to a network of drones that act in concert with each other for screening and response. How do you rapidly coordinate a kill chain from detection to coordinated attack/response? However, this is all pure speculation on my part. I could see a differentiation of disposable drones vs studier built reusable drones. Different design philosophies and implementation in the battle space/area you want to protect.


ZiggyStardustEP t1_j1v529x wrote

It's embarrassing to admit but better under this scenario than a more serious one. Given this and what we are seeing in Ukraine it's clear the value of drones on the battlefield is real and hard to counter. Likely we will be seeing the deployment of anti-drone....drones in the next few years. Launching helicopters, fighter jets, & missiles is just not cost-effective when it's against a drone that probably cost $10k or less.


ZiggyStardustEP t1_j1u9z6y wrote

Not point on US. It was that you can draw similar, valid criticisms to other nations. Read the article - if you are having issues with paywall open incognito.

We can do better than Noam Chomsky on criticism of America. That's a given if he's in the picture. A given like him denying a Cambodian genocide or two lol.


ZiggyStardustEP t1_j1u81ai wrote

You're 100% right! I mean just look at the United States!

Yea, sure, they're not slaving away on a factory doing hard labor. Instead, they're recently graduated worker who can't find a job. . . Due to government policies like outsourcing, crushing labor unions, etc. . . Millennials are lonely and desperate due to out of control housing, lack of opportunities, high childcare costs, etc.......

We can play that game however you want. There are challenges for the USA and plenty of people that take pride. When it comes to China I think there are plenty of people with nationalistic pride in their country. Forgive this ignorant 老外 /s

Generation Snitch How censorship, nationalism, and wealth have shaped young Chinese
