
Zmoser1794 t1_iwpa1es wrote

Okay, so let me get this straight. I'm racist because I believe in the fact that we , as people of America, have a shared cultural experience. We all have had family come here at one point in time to look for a better life. They came here and learned the language, got the job or started the family business, and started living the "American Dream." You're saying since we lable things (insert-epithet) American that you're okay with always segregating and we are never going to be one people as a whole. I'm pretty sure that makes you racist for not seeing other people at the same level that you are because your separate "culture" is better or different than whatever other American version someone else has. I have never said I do not welcome immigration into this great country, and I never said to suppress or segregate a people as a whole. Get your fascist thinking out of here and start seeing people as people. I can't believe people like you are so racist and backward.


Zmoser1794 t1_iwnx4wa wrote

If you left America tomorrow and went to Europe, they wouldn't call you white or black or brown or any other color in the rainbow. They would call you an American, and that is the truth. Get your head out of the bigot gutter and travel a bit. The blended ideology and culture is American culture. You puddle.


Zmoser1794 t1_iwly8wi wrote

It's pretty much Western culture as a whole because it blended so hard that I'm not entirely sure where it stops. Our lives as a whole in America are so next level going to places that don't have running water feels like it's crazy and shouldn't exist in 2022. Then you have Hollywood and McDonald's and other franchises that took over so much mom and pop shops it's aggravating and upsetting at the same time, but people still go to Walmart because it's what Americans do. Car culture and living the dream as they say.


Zmoser1794 t1_iv9p6np wrote

I'm so confused over these mail in ballot things. I have already talked to multiple people about why some people would like to send an absentee ballot, and I have seen how that could be beneficial for a lot of people. I also have talked to people who said they don't like where they have to vote, so that's why they send one instead of just showing up to vote. My question is, if it's such a fuss with these mail in ballots that haven't been an issue pre covid, are now such a shit show? It seems to me that both sides of this binary political theater have been using them to push their agenda.


Zmoser1794 t1_iun0i4q wrote

That is the second time I've gotten the answer that the Nazis happened and that's why we don't have more than 2 parties lol. I just don't see why if people don't like the republican candidate and they are republican and they don't like the democratic candidate and they are democrats that they can't all rally on a 3rd party to even the playing field. Then I get the answer well it will just split the vote so the other side will always win, which happened once in US history that I'm aware of and it was never tried again.


Zmoser1794 t1_isgflou wrote

I see so that's where the sheriff sale house come from. When I was in the market I seen a house go up for 75k and it was really nice non run down home in Montgomery County. When I looked into it it said you needed to pay the outstanding property taxes on the property to get the sale from the county. I ended it there unfortunately because I barley had a down payment let alone the taxes needed upfront for the house