
Zoroasker t1_jaj22vq wrote

Where is this rowhouse that a non-profit operates out of that is a 25 minute walk from Metro? That’s really not that bad anyway - only about a mile.


Zoroasker t1_j9fi01x wrote

Definitely doable to live in DC without a car. I own a car and love the freedom to easily range far beyond the city, but even in my neighborhood where the nearest Metro station is not convenient, I easily rode the bus to work this morning.

I think you can ask yourself what the difference between visiting NYC versus living there is and you’ll have the answer to that question.

Personally NYC has that sort of dirty, seedy feeling all over whereas in DC that’s more concentrated and otherwise it’s easy to determine what areas you are comfortable living or walking in.


Zoroasker t1_j6op327 wrote

Reply to comment by 1800TurdFerguson in Anyone miss the old DC? by sg8910

Swampoodle was one. I think some areas EOTR also qualify but I’m a bit foggy on the particulars. From my research the area I live in originally housed white working class people around the turn of the century versus Kingman Park next door which is known for being originally sold to middle-class blacks.


Zoroasker t1_izbohwq wrote

Definitely be careful. I think a lot of criminals are by nature cowardly, and that certainly would seem to hold true for porch pirates - problem there is some of them when confronted might be so callous and stupid they’d just as soon shoot you as run from you.

Amazon has been good with making me whole even when it’s really a courtesy thing. Last week I had an early flight and needed an infant car seat bag urgently. Delivery was at 5:59:40 with no knock (I know as much as I want knocks some people are just as militant about them NOT knocking so it’s lose-lose for them) and my camera shows at 6:01:50 it was stolen. App hadn’t even updated yet. Fortunately I was able to get it replaced with overnight shipping but that’s exhibit A for why other than Amazon everything now goes to a PO Box.


Zoroasker t1_iqrt4gk wrote

If you want a real taste of American life, those chains are much more authentic than anything in the Bib Gourmand list. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Nothing wrong with getting some Popeyes or Olive Garden, though of course it’s great to venture outside of that too.