
ZrvaDetector t1_j2eng2r wrote

By all means do it, you won't find Turkish soldiers and actual Grey Wolf members doing this. If you're talking about Azerbaijani soldiers, then I don't think they are even members of the organisation and are an isolated case. Please link the videos of "countless" civillians being beheaded by the Grey Wolves.


ZrvaDetector t1_j2ed9t4 wrote

>Grey wolves group has beheaded Kurds, Syrians and Armenians, you can find the pictures of them holding the grey wolves sign with the heads.

At most you would see a nationalist soldier holding the head of a dead combatant while doing the sign. Still deplorable and a war crime because its mutilation however you make it sound like they actually killed innocent Kurds and Armenians with beheadings which is not the case.

>The grey wolf Organization denies the existence, or better yet justifies the genocides against the Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians.

Yet they don't actually a commit any genocides against them nor will they ever have such power. Again, they are assholes of the worst kind but if you compare them to nazis, you're basically whitewashing what nazis did.

>Currently there is a blockade endangering the lives of 120,000 people and you can see the Turks blockading the only road throwing grey wolf signs, the International Genocide institution has deemed this as a potential genocide.

No, it's not a genocide in any case. They are free to leave Karabakh if they want. They only started this blockade after civillian researchers were denied entry by Russian soldiers.

>The expansionist ideology is currently being enacted in Syria with Turkey invading them.

Turkish "invasion" is not permanent and is preferrable to YPG holding the land along the Turkish border. A buffer zone is a natural reaction to Syrian Civil War and its impacts on Turkey. Nothing to do with Grey Wolves.

>Your idea of “they still haven’t done anything to Europe” doesn’t change the fact that if not the organization, at least it’s predecessors have enacted Turkish fascism, and the leaders have on many occasions solidified their predecessors stances.

Not just Europe, they didn't start a war, invade anyone or killed masses of people.


ZrvaDetector t1_j1mjgz6 wrote

The US doesn't control the airspace in Northern Syria and Turkey isn't asking permission to use the airspace. In fact, American aircrafts flying in Syria mostly take off from Turkey, İncirlik and thus need Turkish permission to operate.

>The difference is when Russia and the US do it they are basically saying we are here dont fuck with us and we wont fuck with you

It's literally the same situation. Turkey and Russia directly clashed in Syria several times though they mostly just target each other's proxies.

>Turkey is also in the middle of delaying Finland and Sweden from joining NATO for BS political reasons.

Both had arms embargoes against Turkey and have only now started to ease them. Why the hell would Turkey welcome countries that sanction into an alliance where Turkish troops would be forced to fight for them in case of a Russian attack when they don't treat Turkey like an ally at all?