
ZucchiniZak t1_j6b9svk wrote

Reply to comment by Net_Link_Runner in Damn, KDKA by montani

At this point I'm just go ahead decide you're a troll and leave you be. You are full of counteracting thoughts and feelings thay make no sense and feel thought up on the spot. If you are a troll im sure you have a great two days. If you are not a troll I truly hope that you find your way to a less hateful place in life, sincerely


ZucchiniZak t1_j6b72ys wrote

Reply to comment by Net_Link_Runner in Damn, KDKA by montani

You literally told someone who has been to ACJ that their opinion on ACJ was worthless cause "they're probably a felon" than say no one on reddit knows any "gangsters" on reddit. Im sorry that you are truly this blinded by hate