
_Maxolotl t1_j48prgg wrote

We don't even know, based on the article, if there's any building safety code violation here. The work was unpermitted, which is a violation, but we don't know if the work was up to code.

It might be a zoning violation. All we know is that his condo board didn't like it, he disagreed with them, and as a result the government sent men with guns to lock him up.


_Maxolotl t1_j48p6n4 wrote

I've always said NIMBYism is authoritarianism, and this proves the point very well.

Build something we don't like? Even if it's up to code? Refuse to tear it down?

The state will send men with guns to lock you up.

This was about an addition. But the same laws apply to situations like a historic district. Put a modern door and windows on your old house, refuse to undo that change long enough, and the state will send men with guns to lock you up.

Prudes suck. Authoritarians suck. NIMBYs are both.


_Maxolotl t1_j3z8mky wrote

January and February in NYC are the peak snowfall months, not December, and we're not even halfway through January yet.

On the ten year average, January is a little snowier. On the 20 year average, February is a little snowier. So regardless of climate change and La Niña, just random chance could mean we don't get much snow by mid January.


_Maxolotl t1_j2unuof wrote

In civilized countries, head-in diagonal parking is rarer and bollards or guardrails protecting sidewalks are more common.

NYC knows how to block cars when the DOT really cares about it effectively. For example, the Manhattan Bridge bike path, or the Hudson Greenway, or Ground Zero.

But in Paris and Tokyo, for example, there are guardrails or bollards along many, many sidewalks, not just on huge boulevards or in tourist areas.

What this should tell us is that the DOT doesn't care as much as it should about protecting pedestrians. We have the most pedestrians per square mile in this hemisphere, and the city is barely even trying.


_Maxolotl t1_j2un9i0 wrote

Queens DA let a lady walk last year, sure seemed like she road raged and killed a dude on a scooter while hitting a sidewalk shed full of people eating dinner.


Crazy drivers get off with no charges a lot.


_Maxolotl t1_j2owj0l wrote

I had to block payment on my card to the Y during lockdown because they just wouldn't respond to any online or phone attempt to cancel my membership.

I wonder how many other gyms didn't let people cancel. I also wonder how much of it was malice and how much was just negligence due to panic.