
__lawless t1_j9617qd wrote

You are not making any sense. Language transformer is not a thing. Google is a search engine, ChatGPT is a LLM. There is no quantum computing involved in chatGPT. It has nothing to do with it at all. I’m gonna leave you with a quote from Billy Madison.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


__lawless t1_j88fo2u wrote

I don’t think you have a sound idea what you are trying to do. So you want chatGPT + extra!!! What you are asking does not exist, at least currently. Making a model size of chatGPT will cost at the very least $5M and absolutely not possible locally. You need a distributed setup. Not to mention all the technical difficulties of making such a setup.


__lawless t1_j76xpgk wrote

Just 2 points a) They fine tuned this model to death. Where as GPT3.5 has a handful of examples to fine tune b) This is a multi modal model which consumes the image directly. Where as GPT can only consume text, so they fed it caption of the image


__lawless t1_j4r9ebs wrote

Ok let me elaborate a bit. Imagine the old model is called m_0. Your newly obtained training data is X, y, features and labels, respectively. Now calculate the residual error which is the difference between y and prediction of m_0: dy = y - m_0(X). Now train a new model m_1. The labels and features are X, dy. Finally at inference time the prediction is the sum of the two models: y_pred = m_0(X_new) + m_1(X_new).


__lawless t1_j4pzotl wrote

A lot of folks here already mentioned online learning and the resources for it. However I am going to offer a very hacky solution inspired by idea of boosting. Suppose you had a regression model already trained. Make prediction for the new training batch and calculate the errors. Now train a new random forest model for the residual errors. For inference pass the features into the first model. For inference just pass the features to both models and sum the results.


__lawless t1_j0yuzij wrote

It really depends on the problem/situation. Of course MF is very powerful and interpretable despite being very simple. But for my job we did not have success with it, on the other hand we had great success with transformer based sequential recommendation models. Another method you want to look into is GNN. We did not invest it in because it is harder (not impossible) to scale. For example look into pinsage