
_atworkdontsendnudes t1_jdtug9x wrote

Basic ones take about 8 minutes to install, no kidding. I recently bought a fancy one from Costco ($300, hot water, heated seat, bum drying, air sanitizing, etc), but the fucker was so tall that made my toilet look like something out of a hospital. Didn’t even install it, took it back and assured the customer service that I did not take a shit through it yet.


_atworkdontsendnudes t1_ixdfn84 wrote

I love paperbacks. Have a huge library. But my Kindle Paperwhite has been the best addition to my library, and it has allowed me to read in previously inconvenient places, but most importantly, in bed - without bothering my wife. If you have a loved one who suffers from excessive reading, Kindle might be a good gift for them this holiday season.

When it comes to books themselves, I can go on an on, but I will recommend what I’m reading now - Cormac McCarthy’s Border Trilogy. Incredible prose, relatable characters, fascinating storytelling.

And another fun gift would be to take your loved one to your favorite bookshop. Spend some time together, pick up a book or two, and if present, pet the bookstore kitten.

Cheers. Happy holidays.