
_bones__ t1_iyxagyv wrote

I understand what you're saying about the samey content.

On the other hand, you can prompt it with just about anything.

I asked it to write a story about an unlikely romance aboard the Enterprise in The Next Generation, and after a bit of tweaking also a story about hunter-gatherers discovering a spaceship. Then I asked it to link the two stories. It gave me two options.

I told it to work out option two, which involved violating the Prime Directive. I told it so, and it agreed. Then I asked it to rewrite the story, taking that Prime Directive into account and it did.

This stuff is pretty f'ing mindblowing.


_bones__ t1_iyw0icr wrote

No kidding. That was the main thing I've done with it so far. It understands characters and franchises and settings.

To be obnoxious, I asked for a story featuring Q, Harry Dresden and Dream of the Endless, and it did it. Q collected Harry for a challenge and transported him to the Dreaming, where Dream gave him the task of defeating some shades, which he did using magic. The descriptions were all quite good.

Nothing earthshaking story-wise, but the fact that it used its knowledge base to write it is mind-blowing.


_bones__ t1_iu8esrw wrote


Our electricity price is currently linked to the gas price, which neared 4 euros ($4 these days) per m³ before the price cap (€1.45/m³). Russia sucks. Of course, there's price, but there's also the fact that lowering energy consumption is better for the environment.

Once there are order-of-magnitude improvements in efficiency, it's probably a good idea to upgrade.