
_hephaestus t1_iu1ee69 wrote

The title is a great idea, is this actually a good plan to get there? I've only skimmed it so far but in the vein of making it a 24 hour city I couldn't find anything about extending mbta hours. From other comments here zoning/late night permit logic seems to be missing some notes.

Kinda worried this 24 hour neighborhood in name approach leads to a few bodegas opening up and declaring mission accomplished


_hephaestus t1_iu1cons wrote

Yeah, I just went through their plan. They even cite Paris extending transit hours as something other cities are doing they can learn from but I couldn't find any mention of bringing back late night service.

People can complain about its ridership not being high but you absolutely cannot be a 24 hour city with trains shutting down at midnight.