
_ism_ t1_jdrh6x8 wrote

I went to catholic school and a very sheltered, conservative family too actually. I've been unlearning a lot of stuff my whole life too. We didn't discuss things this taboo explicitly the way I gew up so the messages were probably very subtle.

But I do remember learning about things like racism in school and going home and starting to point out ways I caught my family being racist for example and started to see the idiosync in their behavior vs what they preach. I wish I remembered more of my awakening in detail. I remember being punished and taken to counseling for some sexuality musings they found in my journal too. By the time I was 16 I had a plan to work and save money to move out at 18 and was just 100% disgusted with my family and school and feeling really unsafe there. Somehow I escaped.


I think my point is that my questioning and need to point out injustice didn't vibe with my family's values but that felt gross enough for me to be willing to throw away their conditional "love and protection" and fend for myself.


_ism_ t1_jdr903d wrote

I can't wrap my head around how they expect these ideas to spread. Normal people like us are sitting here rolling our eyes. And yet, we see this shit is spreading so your fear is valid. I just wish I knew the key to how these organizations convert people to their ideology because it seems to require a LOT of brain gymnastics to get there. I have an overactive brain for a living and all my thought experiments do not lead me to a place of hate, it makes no sense.


_ism_ t1_jdchiib wrote

I'm happy it's getting all this news. I have a friend who has people in their family abusing them using this story as some kind of justification for the abuse. I won't even go into it, but people who believe this stuff can weaponize it and that's scary.


_ism_ t1_jd8on63 wrote

And yourself? I'm guessing you're younger than 36? I say that because every "age userbase" survey I ever see just lumps 36 year olds and up all in the same category. is there something special about turning 36?

I feel like people younger see us as "old" at this age and i'm just cracking up being lumped in with my parents here


_ism_ t1_jd7jzyr wrote

You'll have to get rid of one if you want another middle finger. Otherwise you'd have one middle finger and one extra other finger but both of them would be sharing the position of the middle. If you flipped people off with them both they wouldn't understand.


_ism_ t1_jcl8itv wrote

i hear this is kinda a normal phase of being re-housed. my caseworker told me they often see people sleeping by the front door with their things piled up right there for months sometimes after being housed. i wish there was more research on this. it took time for me to feel comfortable in a home too


_ism_ t1_jawmnri wrote

I'm sure, they aren't prescribing it. But they aren't freaking out when I tell them another doctor recommended it (the MMJ clinic doctors) and that I use it now.


Most people are using the dedicated companies w/doctors you pay a fee to recommend your medical card. I may have misunderstood the question.


_ism_ t1_j9uim1l wrote

i'm curious about trash fires in city limits, isn't that illegal? has anyone asked the fire department if they got calls about this? the stories keep mentioning a brand new propane heater being part of the burned property for example. i'm almost wondering if someone at the fire department was nearby and in on it, y know?


_ism_ t1_j9okipk wrote

thank you. i am a formerly homeless person myself. my experiences and the anecdotes of those i shared the experience with, cause me to intuitively believe this story even if I didn't personally know Christie Love. But since i've been housed i haven't stayed in touch, been doing a sort of media diet and trying to get healthy mentally here now, but this is the one local topic I still follow.


_ism_ t1_j9ogegb wrote

Yes. The advocates for the homeless are trying to raise awareness and get media coverage in a community that generally despises the homeless and ignores homelessNESS. I get so irritated by these people asking for evidence or a proper news release about it already.


Journalism starts on the ground and Christie Love and crew do that kind of ground work as just one small part of their massive outreach and awareness efforts. I respect that. I wish the community as a greater whole would help bring these stories up, but some people want to quash it down because it's "not a story yet, nothing's been proven" or they expect the newspaper to generate its own accurate facts somehow out of thin air, facts that are being concealed by those in power when observant folks have questions.


_ism_ t1_j8n5zpt wrote

I've heard this too. It happened to me at a motel in Seymour when I had an Ava zip code on my license. I booked online on a travel site the day before but when I showed my ID to check in they refused me just stating my zip code over and over.

On the other hand, I was homeless and had covid and checked myself into Welcome Inn one month in 2020 and they didn't bat an eye (same place that was accepting homeless vouchers, although I didn't have one at the time)