
_puppyro t1_j6f211e wrote

I'm not a VCU student but I have friends who are so I frequent campus, I walk more than I drive here but I still drive more than the average VCU student.

From a walker's perspective, this is entirely on the shoulders of (for lack of a better term) the culture here, people run into active traffic if there's a large enough gap in cars, most people jaywalk because they don't want to wait for the cross walk sign, near GRC it's the WORST. And it's mostly all students running to and from classes, my friends are guilty of running across the street on a green light because "no one was close", IM guilty of the exact same thing. My VCU friends were told by their campus tour guides that they "Better get good at timing cars, because you'll be doing a lot of jaywalking if you want to get to classes on time." If the campus knows this is happening, it's their job to implement further safety measures, like those pillars that raise on a red light, sky bridges, a crossing guard idk something

However any time I've ever been in relative danger while walking, it has been when I follow the crossing lights and when people are blatantly breaking traffic laws. I've had cross walks leave me stranded in the middle of the street because it counts down too fast, and I've had people who have ran red lights nearly mow me down and have the audacity to honk at me.

From a driver's perspective, dear GOD it's everyone's fault. It's the fact nearly every damn street in The Fan is a one way or blocked off, it's the fact the lights barely give people time to go before turning red again. Delivery drivers that take up the entire right lane, the people who don't look ahead or merge until it's too late, people with their hazards on stopped in the middle of lanes or blocking one ways, people who speed race down streets and swerve around cars last second/without signals, literally no one uses signals. I've seen people turn onto streets that say no turn, I've seen people turn right from the far left lane, I've watched motorcyclists run red lights in front of cops. For some reason like every night when it's above 60°F, there's a cavalcade of people on dirt-bikes, crotch rockets, and four-wheelers that ride around the city dangerously fast doing wheelies and other tricks.

But not once as a driver have I had an issue with a pedestrian, closest I've been to an issue is the blind corner off my complex, but that's my complex's fault for not making the driveway more visible.

My issue when driving is the other drivers and the stupid one-ways, my issue when walking is people breaking traffic laws and the lack of safety measures taken.


_puppyro t1_j609cqj wrote

Man, I feel so bad for grade school kids, I barely just escaped when the pandemic hit. We're snowflakes bc we want to be treated like humans, but they can't handle a rainbow sticker that says SafeSpace... Right

They literally see queer people being happy and get mad, jealousy much? Lol