
aCandaK t1_jaav0uy wrote

Reply to comment by 20thMaine in SERE School in Rangeley by johnnyglass

I’ve heard a few weird stories. One I believed was a guy who said he was 4-wheeling in that area and stopped for a smoke as his party turned around & the next thing he remembers is being at a store many miles away with his quad. Rumors include ppl being blindfolded and dropped off many miles away.


aCandaK t1_j0rv13w wrote

As a therapist partnered with a college professor, both of us serve our communities and neither of us make even close to what many others do with our years of education. We chose our fields but assholes like the person above have no idea how much work, sacrifice, and money it takes to be able to help the kids they fuck up and the marginalized people hurt by their open and unnecessary hatred. It’s like so sorry you chose not to become educated but it doesn’t take away from the fact that college educated folks are needed and often strapped with ever increasing debt. I took out 100k in loans and if I pay do the standard repayment plan, I will pay over $40k in interest. Finally, the idea that the non-educated support the educated in any way is preposterous. Quite the opposite, even with a minimal tax credit.