
abovaveragefox t1_jd8wq5r wrote

He didn't ask her out of the blue, and her reply of being offended is why he probed as to what she was offended about. I'm not saying the guy is not at fault, I do understand why he would question the fringe of what these proposals require. You're trolling for comparing it to a completely different situation of asking someone next to you if they are a pedo. Context actually is important. She could have just explained her position instead of grasping her pearls and getting offended. To state it clearly, I don't condone either of their actions but I can see motivating factors for either side.


abovaveragefox t1_jd5ac80 wrote

Some small subset of republicans say fucked up shit, just like every other party or affiliation. What's the point of that here. He made a valid inquiry about the limits of her broad proposal. Do you believe that every bill proposed in Rhode island should have a report stating it's impact on every single religion, ethnic background, gender etc etc? I think its slow enough on capitol hill.


abovaveragefox t1_j7kij3z wrote

Is there no value in protecting business owners from getting robbed? Or trying to stop people from committing the crimes? Stealing sunglasses is just an unnecessary insult to society. You can buy them anywhere for 5 bucks, it's not like they were doing robin hood shit and donating them to the less fortunate. People commit crimes, but other people that aren't poor commit crimes so don't try to enforce laws on them unless you get these other "privileged" groups is the worst thought process. All of them are bad, no need to knock any process that brings criminals to justice.


abovaveragefox t1_j03qowq wrote

It comes down to this. Anyone that wants to help the homeless is actually free to do that. Open your door and get them back on their feet. Don't rely on the state to do it. Be the change that you want to see. If people don't care as much as you do to stop homelessness then they should be taken out of the equation of solving the problem.