
ace115630 t1_ivn2kku wrote

Just be aware that you need to file an additional local earned income tax return in your county. That caught me off guard when I moved here and suddenly got a letter saying I didn’t file tax returns. Every state I’ve lived in includes local taxes in the state tax return. Suddenly there’s an additional one that literally nobody will inform you of unless you’re paying someone to handle your taxes.


ace115630 t1_iup59bc wrote

I just went through this and said these exact words. Just throw in a damn pamphlet when someone gets a PA drivers license informing them of the ridiculous extra tax return that has to be filed.

This state (and country) makes it about as difficult as possible to pay taxes, especially if you’re not paying someone to take care of it. Then if you don’t calculate things correctly, it takes them years to figure it out and then they want interest and penalties for all that time.