
acheampong14 t1_j5x03rt wrote

Like there has to be an end game / real plan for this. NYC can’t accommodate, feed, and support the entire refugee population of South America, Mexico and Senegal.

We can’t even adequately house the existing population sans migrants. Housing takes years to construct. It’s like some of these activists are just begging for suffering and chaos just to score political points. It’s petty and disgusting.


acheampong14 t1_j31t6np wrote

The de Blasio administration was a financial disaster. How does the city budget jump by $30B to provide worse services. Adams is equally incompetent but doesn’t have a surging economy to hide behind. If property taxes from offices go down the drain, we are in for some dramatic cuts. I have no doubts Adams will be thrown under the bus for a mess mostly created by the past administration.


acheampong14 t1_iskfpnp wrote

The heart of the issue— and the source of the opposition—is that directly across from the parking lot is the hideous HIGH-RISE complex Southbridge Towers. Several years ago, it’s greedy residents successfully voted to overturn their affordable Mitchell Lama designation so they could sell their government subsidized apartments at market rate prices. This new tower at 250 Water will substantially obstruct East River and Brooklyn Bridge views from all east-facing units, greatly reducing their values.

In NYC, the historic preservation movement has been mostly hijacked by self-centered residents who simply want to maintain their property values. Very little is actually about preserving significant architecture/history. It’s no coincidence that the vast majority of historic districts are in wealthy residential areas.