
ackillesBAC t1_j73yuv4 wrote

I get it leans toward socialist policy, but it's far from socialism. The free market and capitalism will never sacrifice for the betterment of the individual unless its a board member.


ackillesBAC t1_j73bsze wrote

The counter to that, would be the free market has to compensate by increasing wages elsewhere in order to draw people to them. Win-win for people, loss loss for Corporations. And the government is run by corporations so we know something like this will not happen


ackillesBAC t1_j73besl wrote

Depends on the company, they could simply pay people the same, and likely get a higher quality of work, or they could pay people half, expect a low quality of work. I would wage that most corporations would not choose to cut the work time in half double the pay and take the losses from their profits. But I think it would make for much happier workers, and a far better product


ackillesBAC t1_j72b97b wrote

That's true. And that's why someone needs to step in and help. A corporation is not going to do the best thing for those towns so it has to be government.

A large tax per "robot" that goes directly to the people would help alot, aka guaranteed basic income.


ackillesBAC t1_j29uqhl wrote

Wonderful answer I thoroughly enjoyed reading that. You must have some sort of background in this stuff?

So going beyond the magnetic shielding concept, what about the idea that an active core and volcanoes are required to release the gases into the atmosphere in the first place?

Edit: scratch that I just seen your other comment answering that question already.

Losing the requirement for having an active core, I would assume, would drastically increase the number possible habitable worlds out there.

This is fascinating stuff to think about, even though it is basically completely irrelevant to day-to-day life.


ackillesBAC t1_iydu4bw wrote

I'm a hardcore Tech person, I've been automating my house for 20+ years. We have Google devices all over the house and same as you we love them. I really hope they don't go away, and if they do I hope they give us access to the hardware to use it on our own. Would be great if you could just run it all off your own 15$ Raspberry Pi