
ackinsocraycray t1_j03blbm wrote

The first 3 episodes are understandably a bit difficult to get through as a first-time viewer. Even I'll admit that I stopped watching after the 2nd episode because it just didn't seem interesting.

However, 4th episode is where itstarts picking up. You get to see more of Stede's backstory, Blackbeard's introduction, and see how both of their crew members interact with each other.


ackinsocraycray t1_iznfm64 wrote

There's a small dog park not too far from our house. Not sure how long this has been going on but it's slowly becoming a place for abandoned dogs. And this park is sandwiched between a fire station and apartments and homes.

While it sucks that the people leaving their dogs aren't caught in the act, there are nice people who put out notices about the lost dog or take the dog themselves to the animal shelter (after no one claims the dog) on the Next Door app. As far as I know, there's never been a case where the lost dog is stuck in that park for too long.

Still, it's really sad that people are quietly abandoning their dogs here at this particular park.


ackinsocraycray t1_is7krib wrote

After seeing how Lord & Miller were replaced by Ron Howard for "Solo" and Patty Jenkins' "Rogue Squadron" movie being pulled from Disney's release schedule, I wouldn't be surprised if Taika's Star Wars project gets pulled or he drops out from it either.