
acroback t1_j1iy5h2 wrote

Just like you don't have privilege to own home. You need to work or earn that money to afford a home.

Life is tough, we all gotta work hard for it. Just demanding a high paying job when you don't have qualifications or attitude is shithousery of umpteenth degree.

Go on tell me how tech jobs are easy and any tom dick And harry can do it with 30 days of online boot camp, I am all ears.

Looks like you and me are living in different US.


acroback t1_j1h3a0a wrote

Ok, let me explain to you.

For every good policy there are ways it can be exploited. And some companies take advantage of it.

I have hired some folks on H1B and most of them are hard working honest residents who are equal if not better than local hires. Only exception were 2 who were let go. Local hires on the other hand are good to average, just one I would call really really good.

Locals and H1B are paid exactly same, no difference whatsoever. Infact some H1Bs are paid base $300k plus bonuses. Why would I approve it if they were bad or I was trying to cheap out?

This is not the norm and neither is Disney case. I hope you got the gist.


acroback t1_j1gsgeo wrote

People like you blame tech workers when economy is booming - why are we letting foreign workers in, they don't spend high salaries here and take that wealth back to their home countries and then blame them when they spend money despite applying for a legal citizenship path.

It seems they are doomed to be blamed no matter what they do.

Pretty rich of you with that narrow minded view with that username.