
action_lawyer_comics t1_j9pznsh wrote

Reply to comment by Lsedd in Never let me Go - Ishiguro by bunnyju194

Fair point. But I think this book is kinda tricky in that regard, since pretty much every big reveal is given away but with its importance downplayed. Strictly speaking, there aren't any huge twists in the style of Fight Club or The Prestige, but nevertheless the book manages a couple really good surprise kicks in the teeth.


action_lawyer_comics t1_j9nsyqv wrote

It gets mentioned when they meet up with the people from the school. They mention that Hailsham was an experiment to try a gentler way but that the country had moved on and went with a “different approach.” I don’t think they came right out and described the horrors of it (because like everything in that book it was just alluded to in gentle language), but my imagination had no trouble putting a disturbing picture together.


action_lawyer_comics t1_j9njyf5 wrote

Reply to comment by Snoo57923 in Never let me Go - Ishiguro by bunnyju194

First off, it was all a slow burn. It was all implied, but with that British "Stiff upper lip" where they never acknowledged how fucked their situation was. It was all right there from the start, but easy to forget during all their chats about art and pencil cases and boys.

But to me the real twist was that these kids were the exceptions, ones allowed to lead idyllic if short lives up to the point where they went in for donations. Maybe 10% of all clones were like the and the rest were in factory farm conditions closer to the horror of cloned organ "donations" that would be the "norm." For everyone who had a chance to be a model for a gentler way of getting cloned organs, there were hundreds in unspeakable conditions, harvested at the first point where they would be viable doners. That was the part that kicked my ass emotionally.


action_lawyer_comics t1_j04zmcp wrote

We are always changing. You can definitely be in a place where you're worse than you were before. And that realization can hit like a ton of bricks. But that realization is also the first step to improving yourself. So my answer would be to take a look at your life, figure out how to improve it, and then start doing it


action_lawyer_comics OP t1_iy619vk wrote

Yeah, I get that for sure. But I will say, they at least built up to that moment. Some of the shows I tried watching would be happy just chanting peepee poopoo for no reason. It's not a definitive recommendation, but it least has one foot in the "adult animation shows for actual grown ups," which is more than what I can say for a lot of the others I've tried.


action_lawyer_comics t1_iy2akn0 wrote

Reply to comment by PublicThis in Your Future Self [Image] by PJMurphy

Thank you for sharing. I’ve been sober for over 10 years. Looking back, I’m not tempted even a little to backslide. Once I got used to sobriety and found better hobbies than the same books, tv shows and video games I’ve watched a hundred times before, it truly was a positive change with zero downsides.


action_lawyer_comics t1_iy1uo9h wrote

Let me ask, are you doing anything now to make your future self proud? I was pretty miserable for a long time too, and it wasn't until I got out of that particular dark chapter and did some good for myself that I was able to be compassionate towards past me. I know it is a bit of a chicken and an egg problem, but if you can start working on your future self, it becomes easier to forgive your past self. At least that's how it worked for me.

Peace, friend


action_lawyer_comics t1_iwjv65d wrote

I wish I had a better answer for you. There’s no magic words or techniques that will somehow add an extra five hours to the day. If you’re stuck in a situation like you say, you can either do nothing and survive the best you can, or take that 5% you have left and make something with it. You don’t have as many choices as someone born rich does, but you still have choices. Look at the people working for peanuts at Starbucks but who are fighting to unionize. That’s a huge risk taken by people who need every Penny, but they’re still doing it. If they can fight for a better life, so can you.


action_lawyer_comics t1_iu110o0 wrote

Reply to comment by ZoharDTeach in [Image] Be Dynamic by vkeyunl0ckslife

Trust is as only as good as the person who holds it. Your friends and family? They should trust you and you should do things to keep their trust. But your shitty boss who trusts you’ll show up to work every day even though your pay is shit? Who cares if they lose their trust in you?