
addicted_to_placebos t1_isbqz29 wrote

I don’t really recall anyone specifically trying to get out of the jury I served on, tho the whole process was rather eye-opening.

I don’t particularly like the idea that the quicker they decide a case the quicker they can leave, I think that plays a big role in jurors intimidating/bullying each other. I had nearly the entire rest of the jury table yelling at me for being the one dissenter during our preliminary vote.


addicted_to_placebos t1_isbnxuv wrote

It’s is here in the US as far as I know, but the jury selection process makes it easy to get out of a case if you really wanted to. My highschool civics teacher even suggested just acting super racist if you really don’t want to serve, tho I disagree with the idea of trying to skirt such duties personally.