
affenage t1_j9214bv wrote

Personally, I am not relying on this, nor suggesting it as a reason. I simply wanted to record those facts for use to dispel others who come back to you and say “but I don’t want my taxes paying to support the person in prison for life”. Personally I don’t want my taxes paying to murder anyone, so that is why I am against the death penalty. It is state sanctioned murder.


affenage t1_j8zwq3i wrote

Life without parole, even though taxpayers fund the upkeep for the prisoner is LESS EXPENSIVE than a death sentence. With a death sentence, there are years of mandatory appeals, with high priced suitable state funded defense teams, and the prisoner lives in more expensive accommodations due to increased security, sometimes for years, sometimes forever, until the death sentence is actually carried out. The biggest reason I always hear people use in support of the death penalty is not wanting to pay to support these people and to just be rid of them - but it is the more expensive option!