
ahaadonut t1_jbzfb04 wrote

I see others have already suggested it, but definitely contact fish and wildlife and dnr if it looks like there is direct run off into the creek. Also, unincorporated areas of a county are still under a county government. Contact your county offices to find out who/which department you should talk to. If they're anything like Whatcom County, they'll be interested in knowing about any real or perceived threats to protected waterways/wetland areas.


ahaadonut t1_jadfmxl wrote

Have you seen this site yet?


And this one has a very eclectic list of things around Tacoma


I'll put a plug in for the Washington State History Museum. If you're into that sort of thing, it is pretty expansive.


ahaadonut t1_j83t3vl wrote

Try out hiking trails first to familiarize yourself with the terrain and weather. Get a map and figure out what is private and what is public (and open access) land. 3-5 miles outside of town isn't going to get you easy access to public lands unless you're going to a park or are knowledgeable about the area. Lastly, reconsider just going off trail and pushing through the brush - not only for the reasons others have stated, also because trails have been established to protect the eco systems. Because of our local geology, many areas have pretty shallow soil. I know, what difference will person make? It's not the one person, but the next that, out of curiosity, follows the path made, then the next, etc...until there's a worn path that encourages erosion where plants were holding the dirt in place before.


ahaadonut t1_j3op81p wrote

Any of them will work with you to help build a transcript that should transfer fairly easily to any Washington state 4-year too, if that is your plan. Having your AAS to transfer is pretty straight across if you don't have a lot of off the main track credits.


ahaadonut t1_iu6m36w wrote

Why does anyone bother reading any flyers or propaganda put out by any party? They're designed to either make the opponent look bad or themselves look great. Are there that many voters who just don't bother to think for themselves or do any independent research on all sides?

Haven't seen this particular "paper" but on the ones that have been delivered first thing I looked for is if it was a true free paper or sponsored. Sponsored, so right in the recycle bin.
