
akanefive t1_ivkn9kq wrote

It’s a great sub, but as others have said, there’s no need to spend $300 on a pair of Iron Hearts—check out Unbranded: around $90 and really well constructed. They’re not super high contrast faders, and are just a reliable pair of pants that’ll last you a while. I’ve had mine for seven and a half years and have only needed to do one minor repair on them.


akanefive t1_ivf9df5 wrote

Very grateful for this post, and I think the posted rules are a great idea!

That aside, I don't know if it's a hidden gem, but Revival Cafe over near Alewife is out of the way, surrounded by construction, but it's very near and dear to my heart. It's right off the Minuteman Bike Path extension. I'd eat there everyday if I could.


akanefive t1_iuww6v1 wrote

Despite the handwringing and frustration, I do appreciate the steps you're taking here. I'm a longtime lurker on this sub (and Cambridge resident for many years), and look forward to continued discussions on local issues and weirdness.


akanefive t1_iutis2n wrote

Had a great experience at Mt Auburn this summer with our first. Labor and delivery was not easy but we had an amazing on-call OB, great nurses, and the hospital was very accommodating to our doula.

Our girl wound up needing to stay an extra couple days with jaundice and the maternity team was equally wonderful. The food is…fine, but Otto’s and a bunch of other places will deliver.


akanefive t1_iut4zmx wrote

The conflict is not actually about cycling, it's about how the sub is moderated. Banning people for voicing dissent to a rule that was arbitrarily added, deleting posts about it, deleting and shutting down the comment section, is not a good way to run a discussion forum. People are rightfully upset about that. Once the sub is properly managed I'd be happy to talk to you about infrastructure and traffic safety issues.


akanefive t1_iurmvw8 wrote

>CambridgeMA shouldn't be a place where we contribute to the broad discord that's taking over the country where people are unhappy and antagonizing each other instead of working together to listen and solve problems

This is rich. If you really wanted to listen to people then you wouldn't have banned people and removed posts about a totally arbitrary rule based on an experience you had outside the sub. You made a rash decision and now you're trying to do damage control and you're making the sub all about you. You turned off the comments on the post where you announced the rule and you removed a post titled "Is the bike related post ban real?" THAT is the toxic behavior. People upset about getting banned or having their opinions stifled is not toxic. That's a reasonable thing to get upset about.


akanefive t1_iurl5x9 wrote

I think people would be less angry if you acknowledge that you overstepped, apologized, and listened to the suggestions that have been presented to you.

Vague promises about addressing concerns at an undetermined time in the future does little to convince me that you are actually interested in improving the discourse here.