alclarkey t1_jd0hl1n wrote
Reply to comment by skunk_ink in UN climate report: Scientists release 'survival guide' to avert climate disaster by filosoful
Tell this to the person who the only job they could find was 20 miles from where they live. Tell them they have to cut their fossil fuel use. Let me know how that goes for you.
alclarkey t1_j4sq6b3 wrote
Reply to comment by Thatblokeoffthetelly in UCI Researchers Discover Nanowire Coating Technology that Could Make Batteries Last Forever by otvortex
I hope you're right.
alclarkey t1_j4s38f5 wrote
Reply to comment by Allomera in UCI Researchers Discover Nanowire Coating Technology that Could Make Batteries Last Forever by otvortex
Figure out how to make it profitable, and it'll happen over night.
alclarkey t1_j4riujw wrote
Reply to comment by Thatblokeoffthetelly in UCI Researchers Discover Nanowire Coating Technology that Could Make Batteries Last Forever by otvortex
Because the water is filled with salt, and any generator you use is going to necessarily need to have some metal components. They'll be destroyed by rust in days.
alclarkey t1_j4o1ai5 wrote
Reply to comment by Allomera in UCI Researchers Discover Nanowire Coating Technology that Could Make Batteries Last Forever by otvortex
> Even the cheapest large scale energy storage method, pumped storage hydropower, is being implemented at a depressingly slow pace.
Well, yeah, because it takes A LOT of real estate do so. Falling water doesn't generate as much energy as you might think.
alclarkey t1_ixpdbl7 wrote
Reply to comment by ithinkthereforeisuck in Cheap, sensor-based agriculture could slash water use by up to 70% | We could definitely use something like this with all the droughts around. by chrisdh79
> All we hear is “take shorter showers” “plant low water landscape”
Or eat bugs..."
alclarkey t1_ixpd8r6 wrote
Reply to Cheap, sensor-based agriculture could slash water use by up to 70% | We could definitely use something like this with all the droughts around. by chrisdh79
I guess the ground around the plants would be a lot drier too eh? I could take the tradeoff.
alclarkey t1_jd191xy wrote
Reply to comment by GimmickNG in UN climate report: Scientists release 'survival guide' to avert climate disaster by filosoful
That's great. So what's your plan in the mean time? Make their gas more expensive while pointing your finger at someone else?