
alex1596 t1_iu529qa wrote

I just finished it. The set pieces and design were really well done. The muddy fields and dark landscapes really captured the feel of a FWW battle. The whole thing felt very authentic from what you'd expect a modern telling of the war to be like.

When it comes to the story, I think the movie strays a little bit. Aside from the character names and the goose-stealing bit, it doesn't really resemble much of Ramarque's original story. That's not necessarily bad as there are already two other adaptations of All Quiet on the Western Front so did we really need a third? But the opposite of this is that there isn't very much of a story but what seemed more like scenes just happening after each other rather than a plotline.

The actors were amazing and played the characters very well but I feel like we never got to spend enough time with them so their deaths didn't feel as impactful.

Solid movie overall with some very grim moments.