
alienwarezftw t1_j9vqn3l wrote

The examples you gave is why im getting tf out of the west coast so tired of the green intitatives that still allow companies to do whatever they want and affect normal citizens more. Advice on best states to move on east coasts that don't have backward policies and will not ban gas which is so stupid.


alienwarezftw t1_j9ltem0 wrote

This is my reason as well also the incompatibility and disaster that is our charging network. I don't think in a capitalistic government that will be solved let alone the time it takes to charge should be 5-10 mins max. There is no way this will be sustainable especially in this market or economy for the foreseeable future.

Imagine telling your boss its going to be 45 mins till I get to work to charge my car you think that excuse is going to fly lol.


alienwarezftw t1_j8cg7re wrote

Search on google, Tonga volcano eruption. Its amazing people just see this and say global warming people please do your research. Dont let government feed you lies everytime some single bad thing happens.,in%20the%20Philippines%20in%201991.


alienwarezftw t1_j7w4mh5 wrote

eeekkk i would advise for this not to happen, this will get shutdown by homeowners anyways and will consolidate any available housing near the rail where crime and poverty is highest. i have lived in many cities and have no desire to be anywhere near a light rail, america sadly just implements these services so badly


alienwarezftw t1_j5d0jfm wrote

Sadly people try to make janky car stuff work and is a danger to those on the road, i for one am okay with car inspections. I do not belive it is a tax on the people. Go to some states without it pretty scary stuff what people are driving around in literally busted up missles waiting for a disaster.


alienwarezftw t1_j3g2wql wrote

Reply to comment by Icolan in So, what do we do? by seeyoubythesea

Haha that will never happen the elites and economic world forum control everything. As someone said above protect your local community is only option saving the entire world and making everyone go green won’t happen.