
alternative5 t1_jbp36oc wrote

In a socialized system who decides who gets to live where? Is it a lottery drawing that decides who lives in the rented hi rises overlooking central park? Or a lottery deciding those that just get to live in New York or Miami or San Francisco or Los Angeles? Because all those cities have crazy housing/renting cost due to demand and even if you replaced every single family home or ever small multi story with a large multi story it still wouldnt be enough to cover the massive demand. So who would choose who gets to live in those cities?


alternative5 t1_j1h9ive wrote

Wouldnt the orbital hook still require propulsion systems to remain in orbit and yeah a line of Mass Drivers ringing the planet along the equator set up by all global powers was my thinking. This so there is always an optimal launch profile to hit the moon or any established orbit sought.


alternative5 t1_j1gaeqe wrote

Imagine if we werent at our throats 24/7 on this planet and we cooperated in our efforts to become a space fairing civilization(I know most Western societies do but I was referring to great powers). Fuck it would cool seeing every country contribute to a massive orbital platform larger than the ISS and a massive moonbase designed to launch mission throughout the solar system. SpaceX launches happenings all over the globe to send up resources and people depending on what the optimal launch profile was at the time and a sharing of resources for optimal manufacturing and management of global and extraterrestrial security. I guess competition is good in racing to establish bases on the moon but man would I prefer cooperation.