
amvfrank1 t1_iuiucuo wrote

My take is this...(and please dont take it as propaganda, im just neutral) If russia invades another country. it would be done after the war in ukraine ends. That is going to last years. Nato is sending equipment and ammunition nonstop to ukraine. After years Nato stockpiles wont be the same( as they cant be produced at the same speed they are being sent) Given the energy crisis europe is going russia is loocking for a long prolonged war.

After years of war in ukraine nato is still sending militar aid to ukraine. But at the same time nato needs to keep some to them to protect the motherland. And in that moment i think Nato may stop the aid or reduce it. Russia says they have all the resurces europe dont have (name energy, materials, oil,gas,etc. remember russia is the biggest country in the world)

My take on the future of the war is that it heavily depends on who is more weakened after years of war, russia or nato.

If russia is weaker, then nato and ukraine would be stronger, and can pull out russian forces out of ukraine and even crimea(and therefore stop the invasion and the war with ukraine as an independt nation and maybe part of eu and nato).

For the contrary if Nato is weaker than russia (remember this is after yeards of aid) then ukraine will surrender and russia may gatter the power to invade a neighboring country (ofc they will have had heavy loses both on manpower and equipment. But remember russia is the biggest country in the world and have 140 millions of inhabitants. They can lose thousand if not millions of men and that would not matter when is the woman who breed the children.)

Just my take on both scenarios when Nato or russia is weaker at the end of the war (its more a war of wakening ur enemy more than a war of defeating your enemy)

srry my english is my second tounge and please dont kill me im just neutral (and dont hang me for being neutral petty please)
