
ancastervillagers t1_j2c9161 wrote

Just listened to Under the Midnight Sun for the first time and it was a great album! Flowed nicely. Could hear The Cults signature sound in most tracks. Thanks for the reco! I’m now back onto Genesis discography for the first time. Then I’ll revisit The Cults catalogue.


ancastervillagers t1_j27bvi3 wrote

If you’re a music head, you’ll find new music all throughout your life. But there is a stat out there somewhere that showed by around 34-36 years old, listeners stop venturing outside of their known comfort zone. Again, if you’re a music head - discovery will never cease to exist. Stay curious and explore! We are in the great access age and personally, having access to YT, Apple Music, Spotify, etc. has been such a blessing musically. It’s allowed me to go down many rabbit holes exploring music from artists I normally wouldn’t have because of believed taste/distaste. I used to hate The Cure for example. Then I spent time listening to their discography and now I’m obsessed. Their Disintegration album is one of my all time favourites now. And as I text this, I’m listening to Genesis’ Selling England by the Pound album. WTAF.