
andycallsmebigtuna t1_jdk2ogg wrote

We don’t know if he was even aggressive, and even if he was, we don’t know whether he would have been if the police hadn’t treated them how they did. Jail wasn’t ‘the last resort’. How you treat someone, and how you get them to a treatment facility, makes a lot of a difference. All he did was take some lights from a neighbor because he was in an affected state, and the police were called on him. He was denied his medication

The job becomes a lot easier if people are treated like patients and most importantly people

To your point about pay, yes the medical system and especially mental health, needs to have better pay. The unfortunate part about that is that the money is currently put into what’s most ‘profitable’… and what is that? It’s certainly not inpatient care for non-millionaires—that’s for sure. The healthcare system needs to be pressured by the government to put more money into necessary but not super profitable systems of care. And to prioritize preventative efforts that will prevent people’s health from getting worse. The same thing happened with pediatric wards and childrens specialist positions being cut from hospitals to accommodate covid but not being converted back, leading to the RSV outbreak this fall being deadly for kids