
anevilsnail22 t1_j2a5mh7 wrote

I haven't seen that movie in like 15 years, because they used to play it on Comedy Central about every night, but I for some reason remember the Superman III thing. As soon as I saw this I thought it was a bit oniony maybe if you said inspired by Office Space which was inspired by Superman III, but still kind of a stretch. It's a completely logical way to steal money without being noticed.


anevilsnail22 t1_iukbjil wrote

It's kind of a pecking order thing. If you're playing a game in a competitive environment then that typically attracts the kind of person who wants to be at the top, obviously. If they can use your gender to establish themselves as above you, then they will. The reality of what they say doesn't matter. What matters is that they can use their words to control your emotions in some way, and so they see that as making them above you. It's more about that than it is any genuine ideological views, although there can be some of that as well.

Overwatch 2 launched recently and typically I play around diamond, but, for whatever reason, I got placed silver. I'm not saying you're dumb if you're low in rank, not at all, but there are a lot of dumb people at low ranks and it makes this kind of thing I'm talking about obvious. I've climbed back out toward plat, but my time there was eye-opening. Many, many times people would just disagree with my calls just for the sake of disagreeing with me. I wasn't angry about it, but I would say maybe we need to do this or that, and frequently douchebag dudes would disagree just to be contrarian because they don't like the idea that anyone is even voicing an opinion that they didn't come up with.

I had someone argue with me for an entire game about how Pharah's ult was good, seemingly going back and forth confusing what exactly was being argued, thinking at times I was arguing against our specific Pharah, calling them bad, and at other times seemingly understanding it was about the ult in general. They were completely unable to understand that a Pharah getting two kills is anecdotal and doesn't mean more broadly that it's a good ult. It's just classic disordered thinking, and they were getting so angry. You'll get a lot of people who will put that kind of frustration on you in whatever way they can. It's the internet version of a drunk dude punching a hole in the wall.