
anima99 t1_je4i0wj wrote

I think people have collectively given up on data security. Like, we joke about it, especially with the "My FBI agent" memes. We have all these terms and conditions that we don't read, and they may have a line or two that says "we can do whatever we want with your data if you agree."

There's this book I read about a future where private corporations ruled over governments. The divide was more on what employees of said corporations can have and do vs the perks of the other corporations. It was a big loyalty game.

We might have that soon, what with how we worship brands and the way they validate us socially.


anima99 t1_je4h93d wrote

When it comes to the future of anything about people, we can always look to China.

In China, we have the social credit points system. We meme it, but it may coming to us all in the next decade, but it would be more on "since you use [app], you can avail of [benefits]."

The metric of how good the perks are will rely on how valuable your account is + how much money you generate the app.

Those likes, shares, reacts, follows will be part of how they compute your social media value. The clout chasing will now be even greater than ever, because it's literally affecting your quality of life.

We'll have stores where "only those with 1 million+ followers are allowed" or VIP access that restrict entrance to those with a certain "social media level."

We might even push it further and have "Team [app1]" vs "Team [app2]" kinds of social discrimination.


anima99 t1_jc2kn8g wrote

Each star doesn't have to be a "system," per se. They can simply be massive balls of gas with rocks/ice/metals around them.

They may form into planet-sized chunks, but it's difficult to determine given their distance. Not to mention some of these stars don't live long enough to form their own systems as they can sometimes collide or spin too fast and just lose form.

Those stars may also be explosions or supernovas, but this is the limit of what I have personally read about without Googling them again.