
anlumo t1_j683ix3 wrote

Yeah, that's one of the things I've been mulling over.

However, in a way, this discussion isn't new. Developers these days in general don't start with writing assembly any more (which I actually did when I was 15) and so don't really understand how a CPU works. That has caused some of the same arguments. But has it become a problem really?

These days, developers start at a higher level of thinking about writing programs and go from there. AI code generators just raise that level even higher.


anlumo t1_iubsh3y wrote

UIs have specific needs. They not only should look nice, but also be practical. For example, macOS now hides scrollbars by default. It makes the screen look nicer, but I've made a lot of mistakes by not recognizing that a certain view was scrollable, so I was missing content I didn’t know existed.

Ive has no idea about this. He went straight to nicely looking designs with no regards to practicalities. He also got rid of UI control borders, making them blur together with the background. This is an accessibility nightmare.

They added accessibility options to bring back both scrollbars and control borders, but they made the UI look like garbage, because they just didn’t care.


anlumo t1_iubplw0 wrote

We had a support request at work where somebody complained that our web app stopped working for them. Turns out that they had a ten year old Chromebook that ran an ancient version of Chrome that simply couldn’t handle the ES syntax we were using in the new version of the app (the ?. operator), and there were no updates any more.