
anon_e_mous9669 t1_iy4egqs wrote

Why not look into Powerline adapters? They aren't the fastest compared to the best ethernet or wifi, but a good pair of powerline adapters will give you close to 100mbps depending on how good the wiring in the house is.

I had this problem when setting up an office above the garage and bought an older version of these: [TP Link Powerline Adapters] ( and it worked pretty well. Might save you from dealing with the wires.


anon_e_mous9669 t1_iua53st wrote

I actually did something like this for a project and bought a pack of these in different colors from Home Depot.

[I bought something like these] ( to use for a propane fire pit build I'm making, but they are for wall decoration.

There are several different color options, the one I got was almost black, with some reds and browns to almost a blonde color and the pack came with like 8 or 10 boards.