
anonymous__ignorant t1_jav67xp wrote

You can still have all the knowledge and not connect the dots, just like a toddler that has the knowledge yet still throws a tantrum. Or racists that insist in theyr hate while having all the needed knowledge. Or hate towards those different ... you get the gist.

Theyr feelings are primal, uneducated. They hate just because they picked some cues here and there while they grew, emotional cues that now are defaults and bypass even routine checks.


anonymous__ignorant t1_jatuf2c wrote

> 'Emotional Intelligence' is a phrase that makes me cringe for similar reason. I'm still not even sure what that's supposed to be as every definition sounds more like a skillset for, or knowledge base of, emotion, not intelligence.

I was trying to explain the link between emotion and intelligence in the expression itself and how to test for it.


anonymous__ignorant t1_jat5m9n wrote

"Emotional intelligence": have you ever heard someone say "i don't know how / what to feel about something" ? At first it baffled me, for me it was something obvious, like an instant reaction. But then i understood they have no IDEEA about it and with the lack of an ideea came the lack of an apropriate emotional response.

Some of us have that "gut feeling" or intuition or some other predictive, associative mechanism that drives our emotions for us beyond learned experience.

As an excercise think about this: how would you feel / percieve the news that an alien ship landed on Earth but no communication has been established? What would your emotion default to?

Somehow you would have to think about it first. Are you intelligent enough to extrapolate instantly with the information you have ? Would your current knowledge drive you to joy? Fear?