
anotherjerseygirl t1_jebvg7u wrote

Reply to comment by gmoor90 in TN teacher NJ apartment hunting by gmoor90

I started with Zillow and a listing there caused me to reach out to a realtor. The place on Zillow went off the market fast, but I stayed in touch with that realtor and she recommended me for the apartment I got. Surprisingly, I didn’t have to pay her because the landlord paid her fees. Sometimes the renter has to pay the realtor, so don’t stay away from realtors, just be sure to ask the right questions before you get involved with one.


anotherjerseygirl t1_jebmm68 wrote

Definitely try to rent a condo rather than an apartment owned by a giant company. Individual landlords are people and they want to rent to a good human who will take care of the place. I got my place in this ultra competitive market because I wrote a letter with my application telling a little about myself and basically promising to take care of the place. My landlord loved that. I sent him cookies for Christmas and he didn’t raise my rent despite inflation! It’s the little things.

You’ll love jersey. I grew up here, left, and then decided to come back. Generally, the farther south you go the cheaper housing gets, but remember that has a serious impact on commuter traffic. The GSP northbound has tons of traffic in the morning and southbound is bad in the evenings because everyone has the same commute. If you can afford to live north of your workplace and go opposite of the trend, I encourage you to do that!


anotherjerseygirl t1_jea6hjp wrote

You can buy indoor plants pretty much anywhere. I wouldn’t say the quality of the plant varies. It’s organic, it’s going to last as long as you take care of it. I really like the herbary in farmingdale. Beautiful selection and nice staff will help you learn about the plants. But again, you can buy house plants at the grocery store, do what the little insert says, and they will thrive.