
antigonemerlin t1_j4t8rbx wrote

>the US citizen hid confidential files stolen from his employers in the binary code of a digital photograph of a sunset, which Mr Zheng then mailed to himself

That reads like something out of a spy novel. You'd think from xkcd that nobody actually uses advanced cryptography in real life, but here we are.

On a related note, China is amping up its recruiting efforts in Canada too. I had the good sense to stay as far away as possible from the very sad people who act as CCP mouthpieces, but when you see it in the real world...

You know the old saying that it's a recession when your neighbor loses their job? I don't know what the equivalent is for espionage, but this has just gotten real.


antigonemerlin t1_j14mnwn wrote

Instead of terrible developers randomly copying code from StackOverflow with no idea of how it works, they are now copying from ChatGPT, which probably has millions of StackOverflow answers embedded in its training data.

The more things change...


antigonemerlin t1_j14lzdi wrote


antigonemerlin t1_iw1wqbn wrote

You know, this makes the prison commandant's realization make that much more sense in Lieutenant Kije, when they had to whip an invisible and formless prisoner and march him to Siberia (for context, Lieutenant Kije is a soldier created by a clerical error and used as a scapegoat).

"Oh, an affair of state" he said upon realizing why the prisoner being presented to him, well, wasn't there. Stuff like this must've happened all the time.