
anxiousoryx t1_jd6ntlt wrote

Reply to Free stuff! by [deleted]

If you aren’t sure what to do with the children’s books there are a bunch of Little Free Libraries at the village centers and elementary schools. That’s where we put ours when we are done. :)


anxiousoryx t1_j8gdqrs wrote

It’s gross. It should be picked up. I have two dogs and I think it’s my responsibility to clean up after them. I would feel awful if someone’s hike or walk or park day was sidelined by stepping in some stinky poo.


anxiousoryx t1_j8gdgxw wrote

I don’t understand this. I’ve run out of bags before and used a stick or something to mark the spot so I can come back. I’ve also done the tie up the bag and leave it on the edge of the street until we loop around it it’s icy or something and I need my hands. My hubs and I both use the flashlights on our phones at night to make sure the paths are clear of any “evidence”.

But to just let your go on the grass and leave it?? I don’t even let my dogs do that in my yard…

Dog poo and chewing gum do not belong where people walk & play.


anxiousoryx t1_j74ytr2 wrote

I love our vet. Well visits (incl vaccines) are reasonably priced in the $400 range for the full work up for our senior dog (14 this year!) Our younger dog is a little bit cheaper.

We have been with this vet with two dogs that have since passed. One dog had an aggressive tumor that she found. At no point did she ever press us for invasive tests or treatments and supported us every step of the way. With our other senior, she discovered a heart valve issue issue, guided us while she lived to an old age with conservative care.

I know $300-$400 seems like a lot, but our fast visits are still thorough. Then the fact that we have had such great experience with catching health issues has been amazing. You would think that cancer or cardiac failure would be $$$$, but that wasn’t the case at all. I’ve never felt judged that we didn’t want to pursue chemo or that we didn’t want to do an invasive surgery. That means a lot to me. The doctor calls to go over results too which I appreciate—good or bad, she gives us the updates personally.

We go to Hickory Ridge Animal Hospital in Owen Brown.


anxiousoryx t1_j74wkkp wrote

This is an odd thing but many independent vets now are owned by consolidator groups. They keep the same name and everything but the location is owned by a corporate “partner” behind the scenes. It’s virtually impossible to tell without outright asking the practice manager or DVM unless you know the group they are part of. Then the corporate consolidators are backed by financing groups.

So yeah, it’s a lot more complicated than it used to be and way more like human medicine than it used to be too.


anxiousoryx t1_iv422pr wrote

Make sure it’s not frozen or too cold. Do it outside on the concrete but if you don’t want grease stains put a tarp down. Wear longish work gloves so you don’t get the oil on your skin and make sure your lifters and pot are the right size for your bird and don’t use just whatever you have!! That and not wearing long sleeves/gloves/closed toed shoes is how people have a little spill and then drop the bird or knock the whole pot and end up burned. It’s easier to do two smaller birds than one giant one for a lot of people.

It was fun for a family event but I like my oven turkey because it is much easier (I’m already in the kitchen) and since I make smaller birds anyways.