
aptadnauseum OP t1_ixn8m07 wrote

That set-up sounds perfect. My son is excited about the fish, I'm more keen to have a pretty environment/ecosystem. I think we will start with zebrafish so we can add more friends later, but the set-up you described sounds ideal. Will try to develop something like that.

Thank you again for all of your help, I really appreciate it!


aptadnauseum OP t1_ixn3cbb wrote

Lol, it's already half jungle with the plants. I think we need to stick to one biome at a time. Appreciate the help, I'm convinced no goldfish! So, zebras are my first choice after his choice. Can you just buy like a school of them? Do they propagate rapidly? Do they need a heater and a filter?


aptadnauseum OP t1_ixn1x8n wrote

Ah, wow. Thank you. Is this applicable for all freshwater fish? Like, should it be a red flag if no one mentions that when I go to purchase the fish?

I spent the last ten minutes looking at places, I found Aquarium Specialties in Wayne, Mini Reef in Prospect Park, and World Wide Aquarium and Pets on Ridge Ave.

Any thoughts? I'm in West, so Jersey is a little farther, and I don't know if transport time matters.