
arafella t1_jd38mt6 wrote

So I've had this issue since puberty. Realistically any color or pattern you use will show the discoloration eventually (even yellow). Darker colors with patterns work best to hide it.

Depending on how much it bothers you the best way to mitigate the problem is to change how frequently you change your sheets.


arafella t1_iz3ba3e wrote

I've had the single stage EGO for ~4 years and just replaced it last weekend with an Ariens 2-stage because the batteries could no longer do my driveway in one go with more than a few inches of snowfall. IMO even if their 2-stage is a solid machine (I agree their single-stage sucks ass), the main weakness will be the batteries needing replacement every 4-6ish years at $250+ each ($350 for the 7.5 Ah batteries recommended for the 2-stage).