
aray25 t1_jcz5qs9 wrote

Old stations are generally exempt from ADA regulation because they predate the rules. However, when stations receive significant upgrades, they become subject to accessibility laws.

MBTA has really gone above and beyond what the law requires in terms of supporting accessibility. Whether what they've done and continue to do is morally adequate is a debate I'm not going to wade into.


aray25 t1_jcwmxre wrote

Pretty sure I read a couple years ago that a woman and her baby were both tragically killed when she fell down the stairs at a New York subway station while trying to carry a stroller up the stairs. MTA's response? A PSA about why you shouldn't try to carry a stroller up the stairs. No apology. No "renewed commitment" to accessibility. Not even an acknowledgement that this is a huge systematic issue for them.


aray25 t1_jcwkmd7 wrote

For many of those Green Line stops, though, "not accessible" means you might have to lift the stroller half a foot to get it on the train. Not a dealbreaker here. (Though it would be, of course, for someone who uses a wheelchair, so we can still strive to improve.)

The only major problem stations I can think of off the top of my head now would be Bowdoin, Boylston, Hynes Convention Center, Symphony, and Valley Road out on the Mattapan line. Symphony has a project in the works now to add elevators, and Hynes will get them as part of the new developments going up around the station.


aray25 t1_j64zjal wrote

Technically, it was was not reversed. The airport predates the "Blue Line," and even the "East Boston Line" (the same service before color names were introduced). It does not, however, predate the BNH North Shore Railroad that used the same right-of-way.


aray25 t1_j5h6mi6 wrote

Boylston, Bowdoin, and Symphony (EDIT: and Valley Road way out on the Mattapan Line) are the only stations that require you to walk up a large number of steps. Hynes Convention Center has an escalator, and the other Green Line stops that are marked inaccessible are ground-level stops where you need to take a step up into the train but otherwise there's no steps.


aray25 t1_j5h3d8g wrote

Though if you want to avail yourselves of the elevator, you should go in the other entrance, since the front entrance requires a bunch of stairs to get to.